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  1. Q. In the Test Data window under Conductivity it shows two grayed out checkboxes, one for microSiemens and the other for milliSiemens. Why can't I select the correct measurement type here?
    A. These are for display purposes only. The software will automatically determine whether you have entered microSiemens or milliSiemens based on what values you have entered, and the checkboxes will display which of the two measurement types was used. The resulting value will be calculated accordingly.
  2. Q. How do I use the Client Questionnaire App available on the download page?
    A. Instructions for the client filling out the questionnaire:
    Download the file from the download page (making sure to download the correct version for your OS) and unzip it anywhere, then run the unzipped "RBTI QnA" application. Fill out the questionnaire as you have been directed. once you have completed the questionnaire, click the "Save to File" button. You will be prompted for where to save the file; choose the most convenient location, but remember the location and file name. Your Questionnaire info will be stored in this file.
    Next you will need to get this saved file to the RBTI practitioner who is working with you. You can do this by whichever method is simplest for you. You could simply attach it to an e-mail and send it to them, or copy the file to a USB flash drive and take it to them.
    If you later need to change information in the questionnaire after closing the application, you can run the application, click the "Load Data from File" button, and locate the file you earlier saved.

    Instructions for the RBTI practitioner:
    You can direct your clients to the download page for them to download the Client Questionnaire App, and if needed direct them to this FAQ page for help with using the application. See above for usage of the application.
    Once you have recieved the data file from the client, run the full RBTI Data Charting software. On the main screen, select the client in the Subject List and click "Edit Selected". In the Subject Data window now, click the "Questionnaires" button. You will now have the Questionnaire form up for this client. Click the "Load Data from File" button and locate the file provided by your client, then click Open. Back in the Questionnaire form you should now see the data entered by the client.
    You can alternately have the client fill out the questionnaire directly from your computer if you wish, or use the "Print Blank Questionnaire" button at the end of one of the questionnaires (scroll to the bottom of it) to have the client fill out the questionnaire on paper with you entering the data into the software yourself.
  3. Q. I have a question this FAQ hasn't answered, a bug to report, or an idea for something you should add to your program. Who should I contact?
    A. For any of these issues, please contact us here. Registered users will be given priority and their requests and suggestions will carry more weight.
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